Chapter: Visualizing Information. Flanders, Julia & Jannidis, Fotis (Eds). The Shape of Data in Digital Humanities: Modeling Texts and Text-based Materials. Surrey, UK: Ashgate. Upcoming: 2015
Complex Network Analysis of Arts and Humanities. R. Alhajj & J. Rokne (Eds). Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag. Written with M. Schich R. Malina. http://bit.ly/1EmtnmX
Design for Information: An introduction to the histories, theories, and best practices behind effective information visualizations. Rockport Publishers. Upcoming: September 2013. Preview and order it at Amazon: http://amzn.to/145tqSQ
Chapter 1: Case Study: The Development of the HDI Tree. Fadel, Spinillo, Moura & Triska (Eds). Selected Readings of the 5th Information Design International Conference. São Paulo: SBDI | Brazilian Society of Information Design. Download (1 MB)
Ebook: Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks. Co-editor with Maximilian Schich, and Roger Malina. MIT Press. EBook is now in its fourth edition, last revised in June 2014. Order the publication. Visit companion website.
Chapter 5: Visualizing data: new pedagogical challenges. Spinillo, Farias & Padovani (Eds). Selected Readings of the 4th Information Design International Conference. São Paulo: SBDI | Brazilian Society of Information Design. Download (3.3 MB)
Chapter 3: Diagrams and Problem Solving. Spinillo, Farias & Padovani (Eds). Selected Readings of the 2nd Information Design International Conference. São Paulo: SBDI | Brazilian Society of Information Design, 45–53. Download (300 Kb)
Visualizing Computational Social Science: The Multiple Lives of a Complex Image. Science Communication: Linking Theory and Practice, SAGE Publications (Science Communication 1075547014556540). First published on Nov. 12, 2014 as doi:10.1177/1075547014556540. Article written with Brooke Foucault Welles (main author).
URL: http://scx.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/11/10/1075547014556540.abstract
Teaching information visualization by exploring their power in engaging users of social media applications. InfoDesign—Brazilian Journal of Information Design (Open Journal Systems). Lead author, article written with Xiaohua Sun, Assistant Professor, College of Design & Innovation, Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
URL: http://www.infodesign.org.br/revista/index.php/infodesign/article/viewFile/164/129
The cross-disciplinary challenges of visualizing data. SEAD Network for Sciences, Engineering, Arts and Design, part of a report to NSF in May 2013. I was the coordinator of the white paper that was written in collaboration with Rikke Schmidt Kjærgaard (Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center, Aarhus University, Denmark), Miriah Meyer (University of Utah), Bang Wong (Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard). Read the white paper. Download the SEAD report (827 Kb) .
Visual Representations of Health Information: A Critique of the 2005 Food Pyramid. American Communication Journal, vol. 10, Special Issue 2008: Aesthetics in an Experimental Age. American Communication Association. Guest editor: S. H. Grey. Lead Author, written in collaboration with C. Noland, Health Communication (75% my work). Download (600 Kb)
The Use of Metaphors in Dietary Visual Displays around the World. Visible Language, no. 41.3, 204–219. Special Issue: Visual Metaphors in User Support. Guest editors: Karel van der Waarde & Piet Westendorp. Download (2 MB)
Dynamic Visual Formation. Visible Language, no. 39.2, 100–119. Download (1.7 MB)
Co-edition and introduction to Special Section of Leonardo Transactions: Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks (with Maximilian Schich), Leonardo Vol. 47, No. 3, 265–279. MIT Press. Visit journal’s website.
Co-edition and introduction to Special Section of Leonardo Transactions: Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks (with Maximilian Schich), Leonardo Vol. 46, No. 3, pp.267–279. MIT Press. Visit journal’s website.
Introduction (with Maximilian Schich) to the Ebook: Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks , with Maximilian Schich and Roger Malina. MIT Press. Order the publication.
Co-edition and introduction to Special Section of Leonardo Transactions: Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks (with Maximilian Schich), Leonardo Vol. 45, No. 1, pp.77–89. MIT Press. Visit journal’s website.
Co-edition and introduction to Special Section of Leonardo Transactions: Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks (with Maximilian Schich), Leonardo Vol. 44, No. 3, pp.239–267. MIT Press. Visit journal’s website.
Editorial: Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks (with Maximilian Schich and Albert-László Barabási), Leonardo Vol. 43, No. 3, p. 212. MIT Press. Visit journal’s website.
Dynamic Visual Formation. The Language of Dynamic Media. Boston: DMI, 80–85
Presence the Ephemeral in Focus. The Language of Dynamic Media. Boston: DMI, 170–173
Tipos na Prática. Design Gráfico. São Paulo, Brazil: year 10, no. 87, 28–30
Blogs a Visitar. Design Gráfico. São Paulo, Brazil: year 10, no. 88, 22–24
Teaching information visualization by exploring their power in engaging users of social media applications. Proceedings of the 6th Information Design International Conference, Recife, Brazil, organized by the SBDI | Brazilian Society of Information Design. Paper written in collaboration with Xiaohua Sun, Assistant Professor of the College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University, Shanghai, China. Upcoming: September 2013. Download the conference schedule (111 kb)
Case Study: The Development of the HDI Tree. Proceedings of the 5th Information Design International Conference, Florianopolis, Brazil, organized by the SBDI | Brazilian Society of Information Design. Paper written in collaboration with Cesar A. Hidalgo (Macro Connections, The MIT Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) & Center for International Development, Harvard University) and Alex Simoes (Macro Connections, The MIT Media Lab). Download (1.3 Mb)
Co-Author of AIGA Design Educators Conference topic Shifting Paradigms: Designing Tools and Systems, with provocateur David Thorburn, moderator Anne Burdick, writer Holly Willis and nine co-authors. The New Contexts/New Practices conference was structured as an authoring conference ”that will build consensus and action plans for where we should be heading if graphic design is to remain relevant in the 21st century and if we are to achieve the competencies outlined in AIGA Defining the Designer of 2015.” North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Download Prospectus (200 Kb) .
Art Micro-Sites: A Manifesto! Proceedings of International Conference Media in Transition 6: Stone and Papyrus, Storage and Transmission, Boston, MA. Paper written in collaboration with Pieranna Cavalchini, Curator of Contemporary Art of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (50% my work). Download (2.5 MB) .
Visualizing Data: how technology has affected the practice. Proceedings of the 4th Information Design International Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
A Framework for Teaching Fundamentals of Time-Based Design. Proceedings of 33rd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques SIGGRAPH 2006, Educators Program, Boston, MA. Download (1.1 MB)
Diagramming as a Strategy for Solving Graphic Design Problems. Proceedings of MX Design Conference 2005: Design Perspectives, Mexico City, Mexico. Download (800 KB)
Diagrams and Problem Solving. Proceedings of Second Information Design International Conference, São Paulo, Brazil international invited published conference proceedings
CD-ROM Presence: The Ephemeral in Focus. Proceedings of F@imp 2004 – International Audiovisual Festival on Museums and Heritage, Taipei, Taiwan. Download (500 KB)
Time-based design syllabus and assignments. Dooley, Michael & Heller, Steven, editors. Teaching Motion Design: Course Offerings and Class Projects from the Leading Undergraduate and Graduate Programs. New York: Allworth Press, 175–180
Time-based design and information design assignments and student work. Sharon Poggenpohl, editor. Creativity: Point: Counterpoint. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design, 39–40; 45–46; 117–118
Time-based design course description and student work. Li, Jun. Motion Design: Imagination, Creation, Techniques. China: VCD, 116–121