Coming soon.
In the meantime, you can read the article “Dynamic Visual Formation” published in 2005 at the refereed journal Visible Language. The article was accompanied by a web site presenting dynamic content that was designed for visualizing the proposed theories. Click here to open a new window to view the material published online, which requires Flash player.
This entry was posted on Friday, December 20th, 2002 at 2:58 am. It is filed under Research. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
Coming soon. In the meantime, you can read the article “Dynamic Visual Formation” published in 2005 at the refereed journal Visible Language. The article was accompanied by a web site presenting dynamic content that was designed for visualizing the proposed theories. Click here to open a new window to view the material published online, which […]
The project Information Design Resource was developed in 2005 with support of the IDF-Instructional Development Fund, Provost Office, Northeastern University. The output was a prototype that can be viewed by clicking here. The link will open a new window and it requires Flash player. The goal is to provide informed criteria to support the design […]
The five initial images show the interface design with the navigation elements, and the last one shows a comparison of the old and new system of representing prosody. Design consultant in the National Science Foundation–NSF funded research Displaying Prosodic Text for Reading Aloud with Expression by P.I. Rupal Patel (Speech Language Pathology and Audiology, NU). I […]
Images above show the redesign of the interface and elements (images 1 & 2), a screenshot of the implemented version for testing (3), and the original interface before my redesign (last image). The goal of the Prosodic Marionette interface is to allow children to manipulate word-icon blocks bearing the intonational components of an utterance in […]
Above poster from 2004. Below posters presented at 2011, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2005, 2004 Northeastern University Annual Research Expo. To view in detail, please download the posters as pdf files: 2004: Dynamic Visual Formation Download (1 MB) 2005: Interactive Historical Resource for Information Design Download (1 MB) 2006: Educational Tool for the Discipline of Information Design Download (1 MB) 2008: […]
Visualizing Speech Melody to Improve Second Language Expressive Fluency in Adolescents is a research project in collaboration with Rupal Patel (Speech pathology, CadLab) and funded by Tier 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grant Program, Provost Office, Northeastern University ($50,000). I worked on the concept and design of interface, icons and navigation for prototype of interactive tablet application The […]
Design for Information: An introduction to the histories, theories, and best practices behind effective information visualizations (Rockport, 2013) offers an integrative approach to learning basic methods and graphical principles for the visual presentation of information. The book surveys current visualizations that are analyzed for their content (information) as well as for their methods of presentation […]
Isabel Meirelles is an information designer and associate professor of graphic design at Northeastern University, Boston.